With an increasing reliance on hardware, software and IT services in NHS infrastructure in recent years, it has been recognised that the health service needs a compliant route to suppliers to buy a wide range of ICT products.
With this in mind, NOE CPC has launched its Total Technology Solutions (TTS) framework.
The agreement, which replaces IT Enterprise Solutions, offers the ability to purchase a wide range of IT infrastructure hardware, software, and services from a range of pre-qualified suppliers, both in isolation and in any combination as part of a complete solution.
The framework is un-lotted in order to remove barriers when sourcing a supplier capable of delivering a broad range of products and services.
A range of supplier selection options are available when utilising the framework including the use of the Quick Quote Tool, an online tool which enables customers to request quotations against their specific requirements to all awarded suppliers on the framework.
Customers who have used the Quick Quote Tool for both large- and small-scale procurements have told NOE CPC that it saves time, drives down costs, has eliminated the need to locate supplier details and has proven to be an efficient and effective way of procuring ICT hardware, software and services.
Trusts are also starting to cascade use of the tool to IT departments to enable them to obtain quotations themselves in a quick, easy and compliant manner.
NHS England endorsed
The TTS framework has been endorsed by NHS England (NHSE) as a recommended route to market for digital and IT spend across the NHS.
NHSE’s new guidance aims to simplify the purchasing of IT and digital goods and services in the health service.
It has endorsed 36 frameworks as the most optimal routes to market for NHS buyers, four of which are provided by NOE CPC, including TTS.
With these endorsements, NHSE aims to reduce duplication in the IT and digital market whilst ensuring the high quality and standards that the NHS requires.
TTS has been endorsed under NHSE’s six-pillar approach as below, which has been devised to sub-categorise the varied products and services in the digital landscape.
Pillar 2 – Hardware – Non-Clinical
Pillar 4 – Software/SaaS/Apps – Non-clinical
Pillar 6 – Services/IaaS/PaaS – Non-clinical
Although the use of these frameworks is not mandated for IT and Digital purchasing, the use of non-endorsed routes to market will not ordinarily be eligible for shared or central funding.
The full list of endorsed frameworks is available online here, as well as details on the minimum standards aligned to each pillar.
Sustainability and Social Value
NOE CPC is committed to sustainable procurement, which is defined as a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment.
As an organisation it is determined to reduce the economic and environmental impact associated with its framework agreements; whilst enhancing the ethical and social impacts of its procurement activities and processes.
NOE CPC uses the Government’s Social Value Model in all of its procurement exercises in-line with the Central Government Procurement Policy Note and to support the NHS net zero and social value goals .
The model has been considered and applied within the award criteria for the TTS framework, with the included themes available to include at further competition and/or call off stage, as applicable.
Awarded suppliers have confirmed how they would deliver additional environmental benefits in the performance of contracts under the framework.
For more information about TTS or any of the NOE CPC frameworks, please contact the NOE CPC Support Desk.