Health Technologies

Australian fertility service provider Monash IVF partners with health tech start-up OX.DH – htn

Monash IVF, a fertility service provider based in Australia and South East Asia, has partnered with OX.DH to introduce their assisted reproduction solution, with the aim of giving patients and clinicians a secure, optimised and intuitive experience.

OX.DH, a health tech start-up with links to the University of Oxford, focuses on developing cloud-native technology to support integration and digitisation of workflows, whilst empowering patients to become more involved in healthcare decision-making.

The Microsoft cloud-native platform from OX.DH will see the introduction of portal access, enabling patients to become more engaged in their healthcare by allowing them to complete documentation online, manage their own appointments and access their results. As an additional benefit, this will reduce the burden of administrative activities for Monash IVF staff.

Malik Jainudeen, Monash IVF’s CFO, described why OX.DH was chosen: “Combined with very fast cloud deployment we can start to get value from their solution much faster than any other alternative and it aligns with utilisation of Microsoft across multiple functions of our business.”

Thierry Panthier, CTO for Monash IVF, added praise for the “comprehensive functionality, extensible Microsoft cloud-native architecture and experienced leadership team.”

The partnership is to deliver “a secure and robust infrastructure whilst supporting digital transformation”, with OX.DH founder and CEO John Kosobucki placing an emphasis on security: “Being cloud-native and built using Microsoft technologies it is really simple for clinics to do their work in a secure and familiar environment making best use of the investments and intellectual capital already in place. With security paramount for healthcare data, OX.DH is built on Microsoft Azure with open APIs, which is secure by design and secure by default.”

Michael Knaap, CEO of Monash IVF, concluded: “We are excited to be partnering with OX.DH as we recognise their technology, leadership, and are enthusiastic about our shared culture of success with commitment to digitalisation, an optimal patient experience and clinical outcomes. Our partnership is meaningful as we look to improve our patient experience and deliver operating leverage as we expand our services.”

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