Health Technologies

What should be the greatest digital priority for 2023? – htn

We received over 100 votes from a range of different health tech backgrounds – let’s see what they chose.

It looked like it was going to be a close call, with each of the options taking about a quarter of the vote for a while. However, by the time the poll closed, we had a winner; 34 percent of respondents thought that integrating health and social care should be the digital priority for 2023, with voters including chief digital information officer, deputy chief nursing information officer, service manager and associate director.

Next up, 27 percent voted for modernising delivery and pathways; here, voters included clinical planning lead, digital programme manager, chief clinical information officer and clinical nursing and midwifery information officer.

Improving patient experiences took 23 percent of the vote, with voters such as clinical director of IT, information security specialist and senior programme manager.

Last up, with 16 percent of the vote, was revolutionising the back office. Voters here included director of innovation, primary care manager and digital transformation specialist.

Which would you vote for? Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to keep an eye out for future polls and calls for comments.

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