Health Technologies

University Hospital Southampton deploys Infinity for Cost Improvement Programme

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) has partnered with digital task management solution, Infinity Health in an effort to make its cost improvement programme (CIP) more efficient.

The CIP team can plan, manage and report scheme data on Infinity, making it easier to identify cost-saving opportunities and make data-driven decisions quickly.

NHS CIPs are financial and productivity improvement programmes led by finance teams within hospital trusts.

The CIPs use data to help departments identify and act on opportunities to save money and build efficiencies.

UHS is the first trust to benefit from ‘Infinity for Cost Improvement Programmes’ – a specialist tool that enables teams to track scheme data in real-time, remotely, on one platform.

Dan Jeffery, Cost Improvement Programme Lead, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“We have partnered with Infinity Health to make our Cost Improvement Programme more efficient and help us make quicker, data-driven decisions.

“We want to improve the visibility of data across our team and make it easier to plan, manage and report on schemes.

“We’re looking forward to being able to access all scheme data on one platform, in real-time, allowing us to collaborate and deliver our sustainable programmes.”

In the past, data used to identify opportunities to save money and build efficiencies were stored in legacy spreadsheets.

Manual data entry, calculations, and reporting were all done in spreadsheets, which took time, were susceptible to error, and did not provide an accessible overview.

It was no longer fit-for-purpose due to the programme’s complexity, multiple user access, reporting needs, and inability to manage tasks.

Trusts have a higher chance of rapidly spotting efficiencies that could deliver cost savings with a smarter system.

Infinity is a task management solution for healthcare professionals to coordinate care and manage their workload.

Infinity Health worked with the CIP team to understand their challenges and create a slicker process for inputting and analysing data, whilst automating reporting and providing task management to connect remote teams.

The team also has greater visibility of opportunities, allowing finance managers to make informed decisions.

Elliott Engers, CEO, Infinity Health said:

“CIP teams in NHS trusts are working harder than ever to save money and improve levels of productivity, with government efficiency targets double that of previous years.

“Infinity can help trusts like Southampton to track their schemes and take action, easily and quickly.

“We need to replace spreadsheets with modern solutions that are designed to coordinate the activity that drives improvement programmes.”

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