Health Technologies

“This is a day to be remembered on our digital journey” South Tees Hospitals introduces digital noting – htn

South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with a new digital noting solution, as part of the trust’s electronic patient record programme.

Initially the deployment took place on the older person’s medicine ward at The James Cook University Hospital, a regional major trauma centre and tertiary hospital. On the first day of using the Miya Noting system, the project reported that 141 forms were completed digitally.

The deployment will now move to trauma orthopaedics, with an aim “to ensure the system is configured to meet both medical and surgical needs, before a trust-wide rollout.”

Lindsay Garcia, interim deputy chief nurse and chief nursing information officer, South Tees Hospitals NHS FT, commented: “This is a day to be remembered on our digital journey. The positive feedback has already been overwhelming, with staff excited about the potential of systems that talk to each other, and that make their lives easier as they work hard to deliver exceptional care for patients.”

“Staff have told us this is so easy,” Lindsay added. With initial training taking 15 minutes, and staff reporting notable daily time savings.

Commenting on the project, Lynette Ousby, UK managing director, Alcidion, said: “South Tees Hospitals continues to provide strong evidence that an agile and modular approach to an EPR can be extremely effective.

“We are working in partnership with the trust to meet the actual needs of staff, not just the needs health tech vendors think exist. Our strategy has been simple: to listen, and to deliver the right things in the right order. Results emerging show this is working well and delivering impact.”

Last month for HTN Now, we were joined by Paul Deffley (UK chief medical officer for Alcidion), Dr Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire), and Lee Rickles (chief information officer at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust), for a live panel discussion. The webinar focused on virtual care and patient flow, where panellists discussed projects, challenges and approaches along with the technical aspects to consider when implementing digital care.

You can read the discussion here. 

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