Health Technologies

Better and T-Systems to deliver openEHR medication management platform across Catalonia

Electronic prescribing and medication administration (EPMA) solution Better Meds will be implemented in over 60 hospitals in Catalonia by a consortium led by T-Systems and Better.

The largest ever single Better Meds project to date will bring Catalan Health Service’s (CatSalut) ambition for providing integrated care via a patient and data-centric longitudinal electronic health record (EHR) one step closer as it establishes its vendor-neutral health data platform and medication management system, which will eventually be available across the whole of Catalonia.

Dr Jordi Piera Jiménez, Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office at CatSalut, said: “By providing a common health data specification, based on openEHR, managing electronic health records and other healthcare data will be much easier and more structured.

“The whole of Catalonia will benefit from the integrated and interoperable electronic prescribing and medicines administration solution, and we are very eager to see this system spread even further.”

Together with ICT and digital service provider T-systems, Better will provide its EPMA solution, Better Meds, which will be built on top of the Better Platform.

Better Meds will enable hospitals and healthcare professionals to have an integrated therapeutic and clinical vision centred on the patient, minimising the risk of medication-related safety issues, avoiding redundant information entries, and allowing professionals easy access to data.

Dr Caridad Pontes García, Director of Pharmaceuticals at CatSalut said: “This project will be instrumental in delivering integrated therapeutics and patient-centred care.

“The objective of a standardised medication management solution for Catalonia is to improve the experience of healthcare professionals in all areas through the effective use of technology.”

Roko Malko?, Better Meds Business Unit Director, said: “Many regions lack patient-centred care and suffer from fragmented clinical data, which slows innovation.

“Better Meds can consolidate medication management data into a unified view, reducing the cognitive burden when reconciling information about each individual patient.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with T-Systems, CatSalut, and hospitals in Catalonia as we work towards our global vision of a world without medication errors.

“CatSalut will not only get the new medication management solution but also the chance to connect with a diverse community of Better Meds users from around the world, fostering a strong and vibrant network of healthcare professionals benefiting from the solution.”

Better Meds medication management will be installed across most Catalan public hospitals, starting with the first two, Hospital del Mar and Consorci Hospitalari de Vic which will be live by the end of 2023.

CatSalut covers a population of around 8 million people, oversees Catalonia’s public health benefits system, and integrates into the?National Health System?of?Spain.

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