Health Technologies

Poll: if you could solve one challenge in health and care, what would the priority be in the short-term? – htn

The latest poll we posed to our health tech audience asked our followers about which challenge in health and care they thought should be a priority in the short-term.

Over the six days that the poll was live, we have received 58 votes from participants from a wide range of backgrounds, including CIO, chief digital and technology officer, and consultant.

The majority – 60 percent – thought that revolutionising patient flow should be the priority in the short time. Participants choosing this option included digital transformation specialist, consultant in anaesthesia and critical care, chief digital information officer, primary care network manager, deputy chief nurse, and digital business change manager.

The next most popular answer, attracting 28 percent of the vote, was patient activation/engagement, with respondents selecting this answer having job titles including UK health & social care lead, senior programme manager, EPR specialist, team leader and managing partner.

With 7 percent of the vote was focusing on access/front door, with voters including data scientist, chief information officer and GP.

Finally, with 5 percent of the vote, was making commercials easy, with participants choosing this option including account manager, consultant team lead, and business development manager.

Are the results as you would expect? Which would you have chosen?

Follow HTN on LinkedIn and on Twitter to share your thoughts and keep up with the latest ways to engage with us. We also share opportunities to take part in future polls and industry view pieces via social media, so keep an eye out.

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