Health Technologies

£10 million digital health check market engagement launches – htn

A market engagement exercise has launched for the new Digital NHS Health Check service announced by the government last week.

The DHSC is looking to develop a digital version of the NHS Health Check, to provide users with more choice about where and when to have a check. It aims to enable people to self-check at home, only directing people to primary care where further clinical assessment and treatment is required.

Ahead of an anticipated contract publication in September, the DHSC is holding a market engagement event on 4 July. A request for information will also launch to understand the potential solutions in the marketplace.

Following the request for information, DHSC will review whether solutions meet its requirements and use this information gathering exercise to inform an options appraisal to help plan for the next stage.

The estimated total value of the procurement is up to £10 million, and it is anticipated that the programme will start in spring 2024, for four years.

One of the aims of the digital service is to support up to one million more health checks per year. It plans to do this through introducing a digital service where patients through their mobile phone, tablet or computer, can complete an online questionnaire about their height, weight, BP and blood test results. The results will also be available to access online, directing patients to advice to reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke; as well as other advice relating to weight loss and stopping smoking. Referrals to GPs will only be made if a need for further treatment or investigation is identified.

Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, commented on the programme: “Millions of people in England are living with conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol that, if left untreated, significantly increase the risk of a potentially deadly heart attack or stroke. This initiative will help to reach more people and encourage them to get their blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked so that, where necessary, healthcare professionals can work with them to manage their condition.”

To join the market engagement (2pm, 4 July) email [email protected]. To review the opportunity notice please click here.

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