Health Technologies

Calderdale and Huddersfield open patient engagement portal tender – htn

Calderdale and Huddersfield Ltd, a subsidiary of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, has opened an opportunity to procure a patient engagement portal.

The contract is worth between £450,000 to £1,000,000, over a third year period, and has an aim to be implemented on or before 31st March 2024. The notice adds a deadline to apply by 29 August 2023.

The tender follows a similar procurement opportunity announced by Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in July. Warrington and Halton plan to contract a “digital person held record that can be shared” and “will take or exchange data from the patient portal with EPR through bi-directional interface and open APIs.” The tender goes on to add a requirement that the portal must integrate with the NHS App and NHS login services.

At HTN, we recently published a deep dive into patient portals, exploring the current stats around coverage and functionality, and recent research into the topic.

Following on from our deep dive, we asked NHS digital leaders for their views and experience on patient portals, with particular focus on their learnings, the main impacts of a portal, and their thoughts on the future. We heard from:

  • Grace Birch, chief information officer at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Tamara Everington, chief clinical information officer at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Chris Mason, chief information officer at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Matt Kybert, deputy chief information officer at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Nikki McNulty  (digital matron and midwife) and Feras Izzat (consultant obstetrician, gynaecologist and deputy chief clinical information officer) at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

You can read about the views of digital leaders here. 

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