Health Technologies

Black Country ICB opens procurement for digital tech to support independence – htn

NHS Black Country ICB has opened an opportunity to procure a range of digital technologies intended to help care users maximise their independence, support daily living activities, reduce the need for intrusive care and reduce social isolation, through a contract worth an estimated £1,141,400.

The procurement notice shares how the ICB seeks to implement an integrated suite of technologies capable of working collectively, to help ensure that care users are linked with health and care support services along with their family, friends and community. It is also expected that the technologies will improve quality and efficiency of care delivery by creating additional capacity in caring roles.

This pilot will form part of the national Digitising Social Care Programme; Black Country ICB is the lead organisation, working alongside the ICS local authority partner organisations.

The contract is set to run for one year with the potential to extend for a further year. The deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 16 November 2023.

The full documents can be found here.

In other news from the region, earlier this year we covered how Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust expanded its electronic patient record programme through a £4.1 million investment, with the funding covering EPR integration with Outlook Calendar, EPR text messaging, 750 additional EPR licenses and an EPR mobile solution.

In December, we shared how Black Country Pathology Services decided to take a ‘big bang’ approach to upgrading its laboratory information system and order communications and results reporting at one of its four labs, with the head of pathology and IT transform calling it their “biggest go-live to date”.

We also covered the combined five-year strategy from The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, which set out a focus on providing sustainable healthcare services and the implementation of technology designed to prevent admission or reduce time in hospital.

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