Health Technologies

Join HTN for webinars in April: engaging your board and workforce with buy-in, the future of patient portals, and more – htn

April is shaping up to be a busy month for HTN, with seven webinars and virtual panels across the month exploring various health tech topics, with more information – and links to register – available here.

Our first webinar will be held on 11 April (12:30pm), focusing on how to confidently deliver remote care at scale. We’ll hear how software and media types that we use in everyday conversations can be utilised to deliver a remote-first model at scale across a broad range of clinical pathways, as well as how the leveraging of continuous, asynchronous and patient-generated information can empower systems to deliver personalised care and backlog recovery.

On 16 April (10am), we’ll be hosting a panel discussion on engaging your board and workforce with digital buy-in. We’ll be joined by Sarah Hanbridge (chief clinical information officer for nursing, midwifery & AHP at Leeds Teaching Hospital) and Ciara Moore (unified EPR programme director at Mid & South Essex and Essex Partnerships University Trust). Sarah and Ciara will discuss approaches for board and workforce engagement, their own experiences, the challenges in this area and thoughts on how to tackle them, and more.

Next up, on 18 April (10am), you can join us for a panel discussion on the future of patient portals. Manzoor Ahmed PhD (patient leader at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust) and Adrian Byrne (ex-CIO of University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust and ex-chair of the national CIO Network) will be discussing what the coming years might bring for patient portals, how they can deliver the greatest impact, and more.

Following that, we’re hosting a panel discussion on digital careers, skills, learnings and advice, set to take place on 23 April at 10am. For this panel, we’ll be joined by Martyn Perry (acting chief digital information officer at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust) and James Freed (deputy director at NHS Digital Academy); they’ll be sharing insights and tips from their own careers, experiences and projects.

Also on 23 April, at 2pm, we’ll be holding a webinar focusing on the transformation and the journey to digitisation of patient records, with focus on how to take a pragmatic approach to digitising NHS records. Dr Tamara Everington (chief clinical information officer and haematology consultant at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Emily Lucas (innovation facilitator at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Trust), Dr Julia Dawson (innovation lead at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Trust), Stefan Chetty (director of public sector services for Restore Records Management) and Matt Sim (head of IT design for Restore Digital) will be joining us. They’ll be sharing current programmes, discussing what is working well and why, and highlighting key considerations for achieving NHS transformation aspirations.

The next panel discussion on 24 April (10am) will explore digital health development on an international scale, with Keltie Jamieson (chief health information officer at Bermuda Hospitals Board), Tino Marti (digital health facilitator at European Health Telematics Association) and Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire) joining us for the discussion. What is happening in the digital health space across the globe, and what can we learn from each other? Our panellists will discuss digital strategy, approaches, leadership, and more.

Last but not least, rounding off our April live sessions, we have a panel on 30 April (10am) on considerations, approaches and learnings for any healthcare cloud strategy. Andy Carruthers (chief information officer for University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust) and ⁠Alistair Eaton (chief executive officer at CCube Solutions) will join us to discuss reasons to move to the cloud, considerations and where to start, strategies to implement, and what good looks like in this area.

Webinars and panels are free to attend for NHS employees – you can register for tickets here. We also write up the key themes of each discussion following the session, and you can catch up on previous insights here.

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