Health Technologies

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre expands digital appointment service – htn

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is expanding its digital appointment correspondence, initially launched in 2023 to digitise all outpatient clinic appointment letters, from June 2024 it will include all treatment appointment letters for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and radiology letters.

To support the roll-out, the trust has developed a ‘helpful video‘ to explain the process and its benefits to patients, following an imaginary patient’s journey when using the service.

A further video has also been created to offer instructions for patients on accessing digital appointment letters and registering for their “personal portal”, featuring a step-by-step animated guide from receiving the initial SMS message containing the link, all the way through to using the portal to view appointments and make changes.

Key features include the ability to translate appointment letters into 98 different languages, the option to read aloud in 40 different languages, the chance to confirm or reschedule appointments “instantly on screen”, and the functionality to send an “instant email copy of the appointment letter direct to an employer” as proof of attendance.

To learn more about the new digital appointment service at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, please click here.

Back in January, we covered the launch of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre’s new digital strategy, emphasising digital foundations, patient and staff empowerment, and better use of data. The overarching digital mission aims to “harness the power of digital technology and data to transform care, improving patient outcomes and experience”; the strategy identifies four themes: digitally transforming cancer services, empowering cancer patients and carers, empowering staff, and advancing data-driven cancer research and innovation.

And in related news, for a recent panel discussion we looked at the future of patient portals, including future directions, technologies, challenges, and more, including insights from Somerset NHS Foundation Trust on how offering patient-led appointment management and automation with smart rebooking of appointments helped achieve “patient satisfaction rates as high as ninety five percent”.

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