Health Technologies

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust achieves HIMSS stage six validation – htn

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has achieved HIMSS stage six validation for its use of data (Adoption Model for Analytics Maturity – AMAM).

Rob Birkett, chief digital and information officer, announced the news in a LinkedIn post, thanking colleagues and noting that the achievement represents “deserved recognition of the hard work and team approach across CHFT, from our Business Intelligence teams who led the validation visit, to our operational and clinical colleagues who supported the day”.

He added that there was a “specific focus” on the trust’s work around waiting list validation, health inequalities and the vulnerability matrix delivered with assistance from The Health Informatics Service, and that this recognition showcased the importance of the trust’s “approach to data science in a modern acute and community healthcare setting, as well as across the system and partners”.

The Adoption Model for Analytics Maturity “measures the analytics capabilities that healthcare organisations have gained from having a strong analytics strategy and competency, and advances an organisation’s healthcare analytics regardless of the technologies installed”. Achieving stage six indicates that Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has demonstrated a maturity in their use of predictive analytics as well as an “expanded focus” on advanced data content and clinical support; in order to reach the final stage, stage seven, HIMSS highlights a need to leverage advanced data sets to “support the uniquely tailored and specific prescriptive healthcare treatments of personalised medicine” and deliver “mass customisation of care combined with prescriptive analytics”.

In other news, Calderdale and Huddersfield has also recently gone live with the national pathology imaging co-operative (NPIC) digital pathology platform, and announced the introduction of a new patient engagement portal to be delivered in partnership with DrDoctor.

Elsewhere, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has achieved HIMSS EMRAM (Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model) Stage 7, confirming that the trust has met “the highest international quality standard for excellence in digital and data”.

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