Health Technologies

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB publishes tender for population health management digital solution – htn

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB has shared a tender with an estimated value of £1,250,000 to £1,425,000 for the procurement of a population health management digital solution, capable of offering bespoke data analysis, technical solutions and digital platforms.

The ICB, along with partner stakeholders, seeks a digital solution to support its programme of “designing and delivering improvements to population health and wellbeing outcomes” both now and in the future, with the ICB specifying that the solution will need to be flexible over time as requirements and capabilities change.

The data analysis, technical solutions and digital platforms will underpin the ICB’s population health management strategy and assist in prioritising and delivering interventions, and the ICB states that delivery of interventions at system level “requires the ability to risk stratify cohorts of population” in line with identified priorities and opportunities in the region.

Additionally, emphasis is placed on the need for the solution to be secure and to comply with all information governance requirements, along with enabling the ICB to monitor interventions and evaluate progress.

The contract is set to start on 1 October 2024, with an end date of 30 September 2029.

Please click here to find out more about the opportunity.

In other news from Norfolk and Waveney, we shared how the ICB has announced its inclusion in the second year of the Clinical Entrepreneur Programme Innovation Sites (InSites) programme, designed to bring together NHS provider organisations to test innovative ways of patient care and evaluate them in real-world settings.

HTN also reported on plans from the ICS to develop a new service to support digitally excluded patients across the system with their repeat prescription requests.

In other procurement news, last week we noted that the Department of Health and Social Care has published a tender for a partner organisation to help deliver projects supporting digital skills development of the adult social care workforce; and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust has published a tender notice for an ophthalmology electronic medical record solution.

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