Health Technologies

How 5G Is Powering Healthcare’s Next Digital Transformation

Healthcare’s digital transformation efforts rely on the potential for data and artificial intelligence to improve clinical outcomes. To effectively use this technology at the point of care, however, clinical staff need devices capable of running powerful AI applications and maintaining constant, secure connectivity — all without overheating or requiring a midshift battery recharge.

Qualcomm Technologies is focusing its efforts on addressing these unique needs. By equipping devices with system-on-a-chip capabilities and 5G connectivity, Qualcomm is working to give clinicians the same user experience on the job that they’ve come to expect from personal devices.

“We’re taking the technology we’ve developed for smartphones and embedding it into computers and other devices,” says Emily Engel, enterprise regional director of sales at Qualcomm. “When you’re not worried about dropping a video call with a patient or getting hacked, just imagine how much more productive you can be.”

DISCOVER: Qualcomm Technologies’ Snapdragon processors enable healthcare mobility.

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