Health Technologies

EPR go-live at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire set for 15 June – htn

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has announced the upcoming go-live of its Oracle electronic patient system to take place 15 June.

The go-live will see the trust move from paper-based notes and records on several digital systems, to the EPR providing one single electronic patient record. The EPR will be hosted offsite, and will run through the trust’s network, providing community sites access, and GPs and other local care providers the ability to view a relevant summary of the EPR.

Professor Andy Hardy, chief executive, commented ahead of the go-live: “We have been working extremely hard to develop and refine our new EPR system and we’re delighted to now be entering the final stages before we launch it. EPR will make us much more efficient by providing a single trust-wide hospital record for every one of our patients. It will streamline the hundreds of different systems across all departments and services into one, so that all healthcare professionals working in the trust can quickly access up-to-date, reliable and consistent information.”

On social media, the trust has been building up to the go-live, sharing videos and answers to frequently asked questions:

To learn more about the planned go-live, please click here.

In December, we reported on a project where UHCW has collaborated with tech company IBM and data processing company Celonis to implement an artificial intelligence process mining tool, with the aim of helping the trust to better understand processes and where they could be improved.

For a recent HTN Now thought leadership panel discussion, we welcomed Dr Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire); Chris Nortcliff (digital lead at Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board); and Lyndsey Reeves (director of operations at Livi UK), for a webinar focused on driving patient outcomes through health tech.

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