Health Technologies

HTN Now webinars this month: new models of care, pathway transformation, utilising the Microsoft national tenant, and bringing data to life and using data for proactive care – htn

Through our live event series, HTN Now, we host webinars and virtual thought leadership panel discussions on a wide variety of topics, from digital primary care to empowering the digital workforce, to delivering remote care at scale, patient flow, electronic patient records, patient portals and much more.

If you would like to attend, please register here.

Here’s what we’ve got coming up this month…

17 June, 10am – 11am: panel discussion on new models of care and pathway transformation

Panellists will be discussing how digital transformation programmes can be scaled, lessons learned and how to address challenges, how to improve patient pathways and patient experiences, and what great looks like for patients.

17 June, 1pm – 2pm: webinar on a blueprint for a peer-to-peer support-based e-health system

NHS England Blueprinting Programme and Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust join HTN for a webinar presenting an overview of SHaRON (Supporting Hope and Recovery / Resources Online Network), a blueprint for a peer-to-peer support-based e-health system. This blueprint highlights how Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is helping more than 6,500 people via SHaRON, providing a safe digital space for service users, their peers, relatives and carers and the trust’s clinical professions to talk, at any time of the day or night.

20 June, 12pm – 12:45pm: webinar on how to leverage the Microsoft national tenant and technology from OX.DH for virtual consultations

In this interactive webinar, we’ll learn how to utilise the Microsoft national tenant and technology from OX.DH for virtual consultations and virtual waiting rooms.

27 June, 10am – 11am: panel discussion on bringing data to life and using data for proactive care

Health tech professionals join HTN for a virtual panel discussion on the use of data in healthcare, with focus on how it can be used to proactively support health.

27 June, 12:30pm – 1:30pm: panel discussion on self-management and the future model of community care

In this session, panellists will discuss the potential for delivering supported self-care at scale, how services can tackle the growing pressures facing community care, and the future model of community care along with the role of digital.

To view our schedule for 2024, please explore here. If you would like to attend, please register here.

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