Health Technologies

Report calls for more human oversight of GenAI

Most consumers want businesses to employ human oversight and establish guardrails for the use of generative AI (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT, new research has found.

Smart Communications’ research, which surveyed 2000 consumers worldwide regarding their opinions on customer communications from financial services, insurance and healthcare companies, shows that Over three-quarters (77 per cent) of consumers feel it’s important for companies to explicitly call out when GenAI is used in their communications.

Meanwhile, four in five (81 per cent) say that a human should constantly be checking content that GenAI models suggest.

Consumers also have doubts and concerns about GenAI in customer communications, the research revealed.

Two-thirds say they have ethical (63 per cent) and security concerns (66 per cent) about the use of GenAI in customer communications, while fewer than half (47 per cent) agree that GenAI has the potential to improve the communications they are receiving.

Leigh Segall, CEO of Smart Communications, said: “The reality is that while customers have concerns about GenAI in customer communications, there is significant value in using it to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness.”

Beyond GenAI, The State of Customer Conversations report found that the risk of losing customers through poor communications and complex form processes is higher than ever.

Compared to 2023, healthcare customers are 30 per cent more likely to switch from a company if their communications did not meet expectations (53 per cent in 2023 vs. 69 per cent in 2024).

The report also found that good customer communication can be a business driver, as healthcare customers are likely to make a recommendation if the communications, they receive exceed their expectations.

Overall, four out of five respondents (80 per cent) are likely to give a recommendation, underscoring how excellent communication has the ability to retain customers and drive the referral business.

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