Health Technologies

New data show more general practice appointments are available for local patients – Digital Health Technology News

General practices in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes are offering more appointments than a year ago, according to new figures released by NHS England.

The data – covering April to June this year – show that patients made just over 1,414,000 appointments over the three months, compared with just 1,320,000 in the same period in 2023, an increase of 6.8% in the number of slots available.

The figures also show that almost three-quarters of appointments took place on a face-to-face basis, and that over 40% of appointments were provided on the same day as they were booked.

Nicky Poulain, chief primary care officer at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board, said:

“These new figures show that NHS professionals are working harder than ever to offer appointments to local patients.

“From April to June this year, just over half of general practice appointments in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes were with a professional other than a GP, and we are working with surgeries to make sure that patients are offered an appointment with the most appropriate professional at the earliest opportunity.

“For example, over a quarter of primary care appointments are requested for musculoskeletal complaints, so we are keen to ensure that people with those conditions are able to book their initial consultation with a physiotherapist or other suitable professional.  This allows practices to make the best use of all professionals’ expertise and time, freeing up GPs to deal with patients who need more complex care.”

The NHS App allows patients at some local practices to make appointments, meaning they don’t need to call up to book.  The NHS App is available for both Apple and Android phones, and more information is available on the NHS website about the other services it offers.

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