Health Technologies

HTN Now: HTN and expert panellists discuss topics including interoperability, wearables and scaling health tech – htn

We’ve got an exciting couple of months ahead at HTN, as we look forward to welcoming NHS leaders and health tech experts to discuss a wide range of important topics: from interoperability to the role of digital in going green, increasing engagement around patient portals to delivering innovation across organisations and services.

Let’s take a look at the topics we’ve got coming up in September and October:

  • How can health and care tackle interoperability? – 4 September 
  • Digital apps, wearables, self-care and personalised care – 5 September 
  • How technology can transform fertility clinics – 16 September 
  • How to leverage the Microsoft national tenant and technology from OX.DH for virtual consultations – 17 September 
  • What does good look like for digital trusts – 18 September 
  • Establishing a culture of security, privacy and compliance – 1 October 
  • Detecting pressure ulcers in darker skin tones: the role of technology in chronic wound care – 3 October 
  • Scaling health technologies – 8 October
  • Digital integrated care – 8 October 
  • How can you increase engagement and adoption of patient portals? – 9 October 
  • How do you deliver innovation across organisations and within organisations and services? – 15 October 
  • The role of digital in going green – 22 October 
  • What is the future of digital general practice and what does innovation look like? – 23 October 
  • How to deliver exceptional digital communications – 24 October 

For more details, or to register for your free NHS ticket, head on over to our dedicated events page.

If you’re an NHS professional interested in taking part in one of our panels to share experiences and insights from your NHS organisation, email [email protected] along with your name, role, organisation and the panel(s) you’re interested in joining, and we’ll get back to you.

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