Health Technologies

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership opens engagement around commercialisation strategy and delivery model for Wales – htn

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership Procurement Services (NWSSP-PS) has published a prior information notice seeking expressions of interest from industry partners to help shape a “comprehensive” commercialisation strategy and delivery model for Wales, aiming to help realise commercial value from NHS innovation activities.

By engaging with the industry around the strategy, NWSSP-PS hopes to gain support in creating a structured approach to realising value from innovation, for example through products created within or in partnership with NHS organisations; through IP commercialisation; or by provision of innovation services.

As specified by the notice, this could include developing mechanisms and processes for industry engagement; creating pathways for the translation of innovation activities into commercial products; or the provision of commercial innovation services that support healthcare innovation.

Through the engagement NWSSP-PS hopes to facilitate shared knowledge and experiences around current commercialisation practices and their potential in the healthcare space; experiences regarding engaging with commercial partners and other parties; knowledge of regulatory frameworks; knowledge of how commercial value may be achieved; and advice to support the formulation of strategic recommendations for managing commercialisation activities.

Interested parties are encouraged to complete an online survey, with the contract notice expected to be published on 1 October 2024. For more information, please click here.

Other news from Wales

Earlier this week, HTN reported how Digital Health and Care Wales issued a prior information notice for a software solution to extract patient data from GP systems for secondary uses and direct care purposes.

In June, we explored the 2024-2030 organisational strategy from Digital Health and Care Wales, which is framed around five key missions: to provide a platform for enabling digital transformation, to deliver high quality digital products and services, to expand the digital health and care record and the use of digital to improve healthcare, to drive better values and outcomes through innovation, and to be a trusted strategic partner and a high quality, inclusive and ambitious organisation.

Earlier in the year, HTN noted plans from Digital Health and Care Wales to implement InterSystems’ health information system and electronic medical record TrakCare Lab Enterprise as a fully hosted and managed platform across nine health boards, 13 hospitals and 23 laboratories in Wales.

And we took a look at the organisation’s 2024-2027 primary care strategy, which shares priorities including developing a digital futures team with the intention of shaping technology choices and enhancing researching and reporting capability.

Also on procurement

Earlier this month, we shared an opportunity from West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust around plans to procure remote patient monitoring services and hardware worth an estimated £300,000, set to run for three years.

In July, we reported how NHS Black Country ICB shared an opportunity worth an estimated £354,000 for a digital inequalities support service to assist the ICB in improving digital enablement across the region, with citizens supported to gain “quicker and better” access to healthcare services.

And we recently highlighted the framework agreement from NHS Shared Business Services which focuses on insourcing of clinical services, designed to offer a “compliant route” for NHS trusts to source and procure services at their own site.

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