Health Technologies

Dorset ICS plans integration and interoperability redesign – htn

Dorset Integrated Care System has launched a discovery phase to review its current integration and interoperability landscape, with an aim to redesign its data architecture.

The ICS is looking for the supplier market to support the review and develop a target architecture. It hopes to explore “an approach, using modern technologies and emerging industry standards”, to support its ICS ambitions.

“The overall ICS data architecture is fragmented and inconsistent and requires much effort to develop and maintain”, the ICS notes. It adds that this results in “poor data quality, multiple versions of the truth, information silos, poor governance, inconsistent semantics, complex over-engineered solutions and security and access issues”.

In the market opportunity notice it highlights the “data integration architecture across Dorset has grown and evolved organically, over the past 20+ years” and that each organisation has implemented “their own systems, standards, data models, and protocols as local needs and priorities require”.

The overall problem statement highlighted by the ICS is the fact that “GPs in Dorset, Dorset County Hospital, University Hospitals Dorset and Dorset HealthCare have an inconsistent integration and interoperability landscape that has emerged organically. It is high cost and risk to maintain and frequently causes interruptions in operational care processes. As Dorset invests in a new EPR/PAS ecosystem these underpinning services need to be reviewed.”

For further information and to view the detailed work package describing the scope, outputs, deliverables and interdependencies which will form part of the contract with the successful bidder, please click here.

Join the health tech community on 16 May for HTN Now Digital ICS, a one-day online event to hear from digital leaders who will discuss how they are tackling some of the challenges, and share some of their approaches to system-wide working. To join the agenda, email [email protected].

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