Health Technologies

Wirral University Teaching Hospital Implements Phillips PACS System for Improved Efficiency in Medical Imaging – Digital Health Technology News

Medical imaging technologies are increasingly important as the volume of digital medical images grows in the healthcare. Medical images include x-rays and scans, and data analytics of those images are becoming more widely used. Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) is proud to have implemented an upgraded system, Phillips PACS, that ensures the Trust stays up to date with technology and boasts a much-improved efficiency that is beneficial for both our patients and staff.

The project to upgrade the system began in 2021, when the project team installed the hardware servers and network infrastructure necessary for the upgrade to the new system’s software. Then, from January 2022 – February 2023, the team migrated 4.2 million images of historic study data to the Philips Vue PACS. Finally, In March 2023, all trust staff made the transition to the new system. All new images are instantly shared on each patient’s record.

PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) is a medical imaging technology used primarily in healthcare organisations to securely store and digitally transmit electronic images and clinically-relevant reports. A robust system is essential for sharing diagnostics images across the trust and across Cheshire and Merseyside, for all care teams to see imaging from Cheshire and Merseyside patients.

Dr Simon Lea, Associate Medical Director Clinical Support and Diagnostic said: “The migration of PACS to the Phillips Carestream platform has brought WUTH in line with the rest of Mersey region. It is familiar to all our junior colleagues who rotate through other trusts, so they are quickly able to access imaging and reports for their patients. The global work list means that as a clinician I can see the images of scans done elsewhere without having to wait for them to be imported, this leads to more timely and seamless diagnosis. All my radiology colleagues are now working with the most up to date PACS viewer, helping to improve quality and efficiency.”

The Philips Vue Motion PACS viewer gives WUTH access to both their own and all other images in Cheshire and Merseyside hospitals’ PACS, reducing duplicate imaging and resulting in fewer uploads from external hospitals. The ‘Regional PACS link’, now allows staff to access all their own, as well as regional images, in one system.

Chris Mason, CIO said: “We are delighted that this upgrade has improved our diagnostic imaging and aligned us with strategic direction of the region. We now look forward to playing our part in the implementation of the Cheshire & Merseyside PACS solution, scheduled for 2024.

“We hope that staff at Wirral University Teaching Hospital will continue to enjoy the benefits of this upgraded system for years to come!”

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