Health Technologies

Summer 2024 | HealthTech Magazine


Product Review

More to Gain

This potent platform goes beyond even password managers, employing biometrics and device security in the place of traditional user verification methods.

Product Review

Get Out of a Jam

Healthcare organizations need a reliable, cloud-based platform to manage the multiple Apple devices running on their networks.


Guiding Light

AltaMed Health Services CIO Ray Lowe keeps health equity at the core of his organization’s healthcare IT priorities.


Bon Voyage

Healthcare organizations must assess their connected care strategies and work toward a more integrated process.

Tech Tips

Stop the Noise

What happens when your healthcare teams grow tired of multifactor authentication processes? Try these tips to combat MFA fatigue.

IT Futurist

Tr(AI)ning Day

As artificial intelligence shows staying power in healthcare, medical schools prepare future clinicians.

Security Save

Fly High

Stretched-thin IT teams should consider a security orchestration, automation and response tool to reduce time-consuming tasks.

FAQ Five

Back to Back

The FBI has warned the public about the threat of dual ransomware attacks. Here’s what healthcare organizations need to know.

Get Smart

Refined Style

Optimization of electronic health record systems should focus on simplification, interoperability and data security.




It’s lift-off time for healthcare organizations ushering in a new era of connectivity at their facilities.


Centering Change

Health systems build specialized centers to test and deploy artificial intelligence, virtual reality and other cutting-edge technologies.


Special Interest

When it comes to creating a healing environment for patients, children’s hospitals pave the way with transformed physical spaces and enhanced digital approaches.


Mass Appeal

Amid healthcare’s workforce shortage, aging-services providers turn to technology to streamline workflows and boost efficiency.


Letter From the Editor

Open Access

The concepts supporting virtual care have existed for decades. Now, it’s time for healthcare organizations to push their strategies into the future.

Contributor Column

Rising Tide

As the healthcare industry embraces artificial intelligence-powered tools, senior care organizations can start to make operational changes.

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