Health Technologies

Leeds Teaching Hospital partners with Newton’s Tree to scale evaluation and implementation of AI – htn

A partnership has been announced between Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and health tech startup Newton’s Tree which will see the startup’s enterprise AI platform deployed across the trust, with the aim of supporting Leeds Teaching Hospitals to “rapidly scale” its ability to evaluate and implement artificial intelligence applications.

The vendor-neutral platform is designed to support healthcare providers in procuring, evaluating, integrating and monitoring third party AI products across all specialties as part of routine care pathways.

Leading the project, consultant in radiology and professor of clinical radiology Andy Scarsbrook states that the integration of the platform will help “ensure we are able to enhance patient outcomes whilst ensuring these technologies are safe and effective”. He adds that the trust looks forward to “developing prospective monitoring capabilities” with Newton’s Tree over the months to come.

Newton’s Tree has shared that the partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals “aims to set a benchmark for AI integration in healthcare” as well as demonstrating a scalable model that could potentially be replicated across the NHS.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals in the spotlight

Here at HTN we’ve heard plenty around digital and data work at Leeds Teaching Hospitals over recent months, including our recent panel discussion on bringing data to life featuring Julia Lake, the trust’s associate director for digital (data); our interview with Sarah Hanbridge, CCIO; and our interview with digital nurse Jessie Dhaliwal. CCIO Sarah also joined HTN for a panel discussion on engaging your board and workforce with digital buy-in, where she shared insight into her work around engagement, strategy and building a team of digital advocates.

Also in the news, we highlighted insight from the trust into the impact of its virtual ward programme; the announcement of the first phase of Leeds’ Innovation Village initiative; and the pilot of a smartphone app for Parkinson’s management.

Artificial intelligence: the wider trend

In news around artificial intelligence in healthcare, over the past couple of months we have reported on use of AI to tackle Parkinson’s at Great Ormond Street Hospital; the role of AI in Royal Free London’s clinical strategy; and a call for increased international investment into AI tech to support suicide prevention.

We will also be hosting a panel on 6 August at 10am exploring whether the reality of AI will live up to the current hype, and how bias in healthcare data can be managed. We’ll be joined by Shanker Vijayadeva, GP Lead for digital transformation in the London region for NHS England; Ricardo Baptista Leite, CEO at HealthAI, the global agency for responsible AI in health; and Puja Myles, director at MHRA Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Register for your free NHS ticket here.

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